2018 Arizona WLG Conference Presentations
Thank you for your interest in these presentations. PDF versions of presentations from speakers who have approved sharing of their materials are available for download below:
Community Collaboration - Not Just for Public Safety Officials! - Horvath
Effective Influence: Using Your Voice - Colosimo
Entrepreneurial Leadership in a Constantly Changing Environment - Poore, PhD
LeadHERship - Sanchez
Micro-Inequities and 10,000 Cuts - Van Horn
Strategies for a Successful Interview - Angelini
Your Leadership Presence - Lancaster
Community Collaboration - Not Just for Public Safety Officials! - Horvath
Effective Influence: Using Your Voice - Colosimo
Entrepreneurial Leadership in a Constantly Changing Environment - Poore, PhD
LeadHERship - Sanchez
Micro-Inequities and 10,000 Cuts - Van Horn
Strategies for a Successful Interview - Angelini
Your Leadership Presence - Lancaster